Local Providers

Catholic Community Services
Provides refugees the assistance they need to become self-sufficient in their new home. Our experienced staff offers clients a variety of services including case management, job placement, health services, interpretation, transportation, housing, food assistance, volunteer opportunities and more for the first six months following arrival.
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International Rescue Committee
Welcomes the opportunity to share ther work and the refugee resettlement process through presentations to corporations, civic or religious groups. We’re also happy to discuss other points of engagement like DIY fundraising, in-kind donations drives, or group volunteer activities.
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Refugee & Immigrant Center—Asian Association of Utah
Helps refugees who move to Utah from other states and supports refugees who still need help after two years.
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Granite School District
Improve educational outcomes by strengthening the Granite School District Community. This is accomplished through the engagement of business and community partners in the support of Granite School District and the academic achievement of all its students.
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Granite School District Community Centers
Provide meaningful learning and growth opportunities leading to positive pathways for an enhanced quality of life for all students, families and communities.
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Women of the World
Support refugee women in Utah in educational advancement, employment opportunities, and English proficiency.
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Refugee Service Office with Workforce Services
Through a collaborative approach, the department has served millions of Utahns and has become a leader on several statewide initiatives. These include intergenerational poverty, homelessness, affordable housing, supporting refugees, helping rural communities, serving veterans and individuals with disabilities, and getting Utahns trained and back to work.
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Salt Lake City Mayors Office
The Know Your Neighbor Volunteer Program (KYN), a partnership between the Salt Lake City Mayor’s Office and the state Refugee Services Office, pairs refugees in our community with volunteers who want to welcome, mentor, and help new Americans integrate into our community.
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English Skills Learning Center
Brings the promise of integration, security, and empowerment to adult English language learners in Salt Lake County by connecting them with members of their new community.
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Good Samaritan Foundation
Gives refugees the skills to care for themselves and become independent and self-reliant.
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One Refugee
A non-profit organization with deep connections in our community and a goal to help refugees thrive in their new home through career counseling, mentorship, financial aid, and more.
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Refugee Justice League
A non-profit, non-partisan organization founded to promote and defend the Constitutional rights of all refugees in the United States of America.
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Spice Kitchen Incubator
A project of the International Rescue Committee (IRC), and was founded in partnership with Salt Lake County. It is a business incubator that brings together refugees and other disadvantaged community members interested in starting a full or part-time food business.
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Utah Health and Human Rights
A direct service and advocacy agency that promotes the health, dignity, and self-sufficiency of refugees, immigrants, asylum seekers, and asylees who have endured torture and severe war trauma.
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Because He First Loved Us
A relational ministry to refugee families to meet spiritual, educational and, practical needs through child and family mentoring and resource networking.
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Cache Refugee & Immigrant Connection
Promotes integration, economic self-sufficiency, and positive connections among refugees, immigrants, and the wider community through two-way education, improved access to existing services, and development of new services in Cache Valley and Idaho.
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Youthlinc Real Life Program
Invests in the service ethic of youth in order to foster individuals in our society who understand local and global needs, and who are deeply committed to work to relieve those needs through personal service, partnership, and good will.
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UNP University Neighborhood Partnerships
Brings together University and west side people and resources in reciprocal learning, action, and benefit.
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Utah Valley Refugees
our mission is simple: to assist refugees in their quest to become self-reliant. We do it by providing financial, legal, and educational aid; social support; and cultural assistance.
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